Book today and pay your deposit of £250.00

The RYA Day Skipper motor course is a four day course and it covers the skills required to skipper a motor cruiser with confidence in familiar waters during daylight hours.

You should have a suggested minimum logged experience of:

  • 5 days (100 miles)
  • 4 night hours of Motor Cruising at sea.
  • Your knowledge of coastal navigation and meteorology should be to the standard of RYA Day Skipper shorebased.

 *****late availability 1 Space 9th - 12th May - call the office to book*****

What's Included?

  • You will be coached over the full RYA course syllabus as you live aboard our motorboat.
  • All meals are provided for the duration of the course including a home cooked wholesome and hearty evening meal, exactly what you need after a day’s our on the water!
  • Accommodation on board you are required to bring a sleeping bag with you & you can expect to stay overnight at other local marinas
  • Parking - available at Suffolk Yacht Harbour
  • All mooring fees, safety equipment, fuel and tuition from one of our experienced RYA instructors.

Maximum teaching ratio - 4:1 

Course language - English

  • 4 day course on board our motor yacht
  • 4 day course on your own boat - please contact us for more information on own boat tuition and prices

RYA Day Skipper Practical Motor Certificate.

Holders of this certificate will be able to obtain the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) - this is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. You will often be required to show this when chartering vessels abroad.

Waterproof Clothing - If the weather is not looking great or is forecast to be a bit chilly or windy you can hire wet weather gear from us.

Musto Waterproofs available in S, M, L, XL and XXL. £32.00 for the week

Comfort Pack- You are asked to bring the below comfort pack items with you; however if you don't want to bring your best duck down pillow or you haven't got a sleeping bag, don't worry you can hire a comfort pack from us!

A Comfort Pack comprises of a freshly laundered sleeping bag with liner, pillow, pillow case and towel. £16.00 for the week.

Preparation for sea

  • Is able to prepare a motor cruiser for sea, carry out fuel and engine checks, secure and stow all gear on deck and below.

Boat handling

  • Can carry out the following manoeuvres under power in various wind and tide conditions and have an understanding of the different styles of hull and propulsion systems.
    • Steering a straight course
    • Turning in a confined space
    • Anchoring at a pre-determined position
    • Berthing alongside
    • Leaving an alongside berth
    • Picking up a mooring buoy
    • Correct use of power trim and tabs
    • Awareness of other water users


  • Is proficient in chart work and can carry out the following tasks
    • Taking and plotting visual fixes
    • Use of electronic navigation equipment for position fixing
    • Use of waypoints
    • Working up DR and EP
    • Estimating tidal heights and tidal streams
    • Working out course to steer to allow for tidal stream and leeway
    • Knowledge of IALA buoyage
    • Maintenance of navigational records
    • Use of echo sounder


  • Can prepare and execute a pilotage plan for entry into, or departure from, harbour
  • Understands the use of leading and clearing lines
  • Use of transits and soundings as aids to pilotage

Passage planning

  • Can plan and make a coastal passage, taking into account the relevant navigational hazards and limitations imposed by that type of boat, weather, tide and the strength of the crew
  • Has been introduced to the practical benefits and limitations of GPS


  • Knows sources of forecast information
  • Can interpret shipping forecasts and use a barometer as a forecasting aid

Rules of the Road

  • Has a working knowledge of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea


  • Has a working knowledge of the prevention of common engine faults and is competent in the following areas
    • Checks before starting, whilst running and after stopping
    • Periodic maintenance checks on engines and electrical installations
    • Requirements for tool kits, spares and lubricants
    • Can clean water filters and knows location of impellers
    • Knows location of filters and bleed points for fuel
    • Knows tension of drive belts and how to change
    • Fuel consumption at various speeds and the effects of fouling

Emergency situations

  • Is able to take correct action as skipper for recovery of man overboard
  • Can operate a radio telephone in an emergency and send a distress message
  • Understands how to secure a tow
  • Understands rescue procedures including helicopter rescue
  • Understands distress flares and how to use a liferaft

Night Cruising

  • Has experienced motor cruising at night, including leaving and entering a harbour, and understands the special considerations for pilotage plans, keeping a lookout and identifying marks at night

Course Availability


Date Availability Price Book
No upcoming dates.
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